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History Wiki
220px-Centurion 2 Boulogne Luc Viatour

An accurate depiction of what a centurion would have looked like.

A centurion was a professional officer of the Roman army after the Marian reforms of 107 BCE. The centurion normally commanded a century, which consisted of between 50 and 100 foot soldiers. His duties included training and disciplining his men, inspecting their clothes and equipment, and commanding them during deployments. The rank of centurion was the highest that an ordinary soldier could reach. Those who filled this office were career soldiers who had to be good leaders. The discipline and efficiency of the Roman military machine depended on them. It's been said that centurions “were often the most experienced and best-informed men in the army.”

Bible history[]

The Christian Greek Scriptures make a number of references to Roman centurions. The army officer who oversaw Jesus’ execution held that rank, as did Cornelius, the first Gentile convert to Christianity. The officer who was to oversee the apostle Paul’s scourging and Julius, who escorted Paul to Rome, were also centurions (Mark 15:39; Acts 10:1, 22:25; 27:1).

Known centurions[]

  • Agathius
  • Alexander of Bergamo
  • Aulus Pudens
  • Cassius Chaerea
  • Cornelius
  • Gaius Crastinus
  • Gordius
  • Longinus
  • Lucius Artorius Castus
  • Lucius Vorenus
  • St Marcellus
  • Marcus Favonius
  • Petronius
  • Sempronius Densus
  • Spurius Ligustinus
  • Titus Pullo
  • Verus

See also[]

